
    Answer the questions based on the information given below: In a certain language, 'stranded main currently issue' is coded as 'rd, nf, mf, ox'. 'considering currently alternative struggles' is coded as 'qc, pa, mn, nf' 'presents currently stranded challenges' is coded as 'ox, kd, nf, ld' 'program considering managing main' is coded as 'gc, qc, jz, rd

    Which of the following can be coded as 'pa, gc' in the given language?

    A struggles challenges Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B alternative presents Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C issue managing Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D program struggles Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Either A or D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    currently – nf stranded – ox main – rd issue – mf considering – qc alternative/struggles – mn/pa presents/challenges – kd/ld program/managing – jz/gc

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