
    In a certain code language, 'U' is coded as '9' and 'G' is coded as '49', then 'MAN' will be coded as ____ in the same code language.

    A 16, 4, 16 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 16, 1, 25 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 9, 1, 25 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 16, 4, 36 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The square of the sum of first and second digit of the positional value of the letter. The positional value of 'U' is 21, so U is coded as, (2 + 1)² = 3² = 9. The positional value of 'G' is 07, so G is coded as, (0 + 7)² = 7² = 49 Similarly, The positional value of 'M' is 13, so M is coded as, (1 + 3)² = 4² = 16 The positional value of 'A' is 01, so A is coded as, (0 + 1)² = 1² = 1 The positional value of 'N' is 14, so N is coded as, (1 + 4)² = 5² = 25 So, 'MAN' is coded as '16, 1, 25'.

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