Code for ‘Liquidity’: The numbers in the codes are obtained by squaring the number of vowels present in the particular word. The letters are obtained as the reverse letter of the third last letter of the particular word from the left side. There are two vowels in the word, so the number is 4² = 16. Third last letter of the word is “I”, whose reverse letter in alphabetical series is “R”. “Liquidity” is coded as “16R”. Code for ‘Issues’: The numbers in the codes are obtained by squaring the number of vowels present in the particular word. The letters are obtained as the reverse letter of the third last letter of the particular word from the left side. There are two vowels in the word, so the number is 3² = 9. Third last letter of the word is “U”, whose reverse letter in alphabetical series is “F”. “Issues” is coded as “9F”.
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