
    In a code language, ‘brings variety notebooks’ is coded

    as ‘087’. ‘Notebooks write own’ is coded as ‘279’ and ‘own destiny variety’ is coded as ‘893’. How can ‘notebooks destiny own’ be coded in the same coding system?
    A 789 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 793 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 830 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 308 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ‘brings variety notebooks’ is coded as ‘087’………. (i)

    ‘notebooks write own’ is coded as ‘279’ ……..(ii)

    ‘own destiny variety’ is coded as ‘893’……… (iii)

    From (i) and (ii), code for ‘notebooks’ is 7.

    From (i) and (ii), code for ‘own’ is 9.

    Now it is clear that the code for ‘destiny’ is 3.

    So, code for ‘notebooks destiny own’ is ‘793’.

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