
    In a certain code language, ‘WISDOM’ is coded as

    ‘JTXNPE’, then ‘VECTOR’ will be coded as ______ in the same code language.
    A DPUFWS Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B DSPFWU Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C DFWSPU Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D DSPUFW Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    First half of the word is written in alphabetical order while the second half of the word is written in reverse order. Then, immediate succeeding letters are written for each letters as per the English alphabetical series.

    W I S D O M

    I S W M O D

    J T X N P E

    So, code for WISDOM is JTXNPE.

    V E C T O R

    C E V R O T

    D F W S P U

    So, code for VECTOR is DFWSPU.

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