
    Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. In a certain code language,“Enjoy yours happiness large” is coded as “R6E D7F R11J X20S”,“Keep daily laughing enough” is coded as “L5D F3B X21T M5D”,“Grows more plant everyday” is coded as “N8G F20S R12K S4C”,“Never scold anyone please metre” is coded as “C15N Q4C Q11J B4C D8G”.

    How is the word “Cleaning” coded in the given

    A D4C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B N9H Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Q15N Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D T13L Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E D6E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

    For the first alphabet in the code:

    If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

    If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

    For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

    For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

    For example: METRE

    Since it is a 5 letter word, E - 1 = D

    13 (M) – 5 (E) = 8

    8 - 1 = 7 (G)

    So, the code for METRE is D8G.

    Thus, the code for “Cleaning” is “D4C”.

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