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‘379’ → ‘this is book’….. (I) ‘736’ → ‘book is worth’….. (II) ‘578’ → ‘that are book’……. (III) From (I) and (III), the code for ‘book’ is 7.
How many children does Mr. Raman has?
I. Mr. Raman has eight sons and each has one sister.
II. Number of sons of Mr. Raman is eight times ...
Some nails are toes.
Some fingers are hands.
No hand is a nail.
I. Some fingers are not nails.
II. All nails can be fingers.
All pearls are diamonds.
All diamonds are gold
All gold are silvers.
Some A are B
All C are E
No B is a D
Only a few E are A
I) Some A are n...
Statements: No book is a pen.
All copies are books.
All books are telephones.
No radio is a telephone.
Conclusions: I. ...
Only a few 7ups are Pepsi.
None Soda is 7up.
Some Dues are Pepsi.
All 7ups are Coke.
In the questions given below there are three statements followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the three given statements to be...
Statements: No data is a number.
Some numbers are not letters.
Only letters are consonants.
Conclusions: I. All letters may be co...
Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance...
All pineapple are peach.
All peach are cherry.
All cherry are papaya.
I. All cherry ar...