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A person walks 20 km South. Then he turns East and walks 15 km, then he turns to its left and walks 10 km, then he turns and walks 15 km towards West. ...
What is the shortest distance between W and Q?
Suman walks 20 m north, then she turns left and walks 11m. Again she turns left and walks 32m. Finally she turns left and walks 11m. In which direction ...
What is the direction of Z with respect to E?
If D is to the northwest of B, then E is in which direction with respect to D?
Rohit walked 20 metres towards South from point P, took a left turn and walked 15 metres again he took a left turn and walked 20 metres. How far and in ...
what is the difference between the sum of distance of HI+IG and DK+ID?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
The houses of A and B face each other on a road going north-south, A and B hav...
What is the position of R with respect to T?
What is the shortest distance between point M and point D?