If in the word DENOMINATOR, first all the consonants are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right and then all vowels are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be the sixth letter from the right?
After rearranging: DMNNR T AEIOO
31.98% of 224.99 = 24.98% of ? + 9.91% of 499.99
420.11 ÷ 13.98 × 5.14 – 124.9 = √?
41.97 × 5.12 ÷ 2.99 + 49.89 = ?× 1.99
630.11 ÷ 20.98 × 5.14 – 125.9 = √?
A motor boat goes downstream from point A to B ,which is 36 km away from point A, and then returns to A. If actual speed of the boat in still water is 7...
(98.999)2 - (9.9)2 - (14.9)2 = ?
(2744)1/3 × 10.11 × 5.97 ÷ 14.32 = ?+ 15.022
P spends 20% of his monthly income in travelling. He spends 25% of his monthly income on household expenses and spends 15% of his monthly income on fami...
{(84.04% of 649.95 + 27.92 × 13.13) – 21.11 × ?} = 763.35