When 1st letter goes to 12th and 12th goes to 1st , 2nd letter goes to 11th and 11th goes to 2nd , 3rd goes to 10thand 10th goes to 3rd, then the new word formed is ‘ECNEGILLETNI’ and the seventh letter from the left end is ‘L’ and the letter third to the left of L is ‘E’.
Which of the following is a soft copy output device?
A function inside another function is called a ….. Function.
Identify the element that differs from the others:
Which device is used to convert internet services into different paths?
Which among the following is incorrect about cache memory?
Which of the following is not a magnetic disk?
Which of the following is an Electrical pathway to transfer data among different parts of the computer?
What is an operating system?
A feature of MS Office that saves the document automatically after certain interval is called ____
Which among the following defects in the computer software, prevents the software from working ?