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Given number: 4798267583 After rearrangement we get: 4899277593 So, there are 8 such pairs i.e., 89, 25, 79, 35, 37, 57, 59 and 79.
The selling price of an item rose from Rs. 320 to Rs. 448. Calculate the percentage increase in its price.
After selling 15 chairs, a furniture shop earns a profit equivalent to the selling price of 3 tables. While selling 10 tables, the shop earns a profit e...
Article 'S' is sold at a profit of 15% which earns a profit of Rs. 450. If Article 'S' is marked 30% above its cost price and then sold after offering t...
A fruit seller bought some mangoes. By selling 50% of total mangoes he got a profit of equal to 50% of his overall cost and 80% of remaining mangoes he ...
The ratio of difference between the present age of A and B to the present age of B and C is 6:1. 6 years hence, the ratio between the age of A and C is ...
The ratio of the cost price to the marked price of an article is 3:5 and the ratio of the profit percentage to the discount percentage is 5:2. Find the...
An article is sold at a price that is 40% higher than its cost price. After offering a discount of Rs. 116, the seller still makes a profit of 24%. Wha...
The cost price of 23 mangoes is Rs.200. Because of bad quality of mangoes, the shopkeeper has to sell mangoes at a loss that is equal to selling price o...
The cost of a piece of diamond varies with the square of its weight. A diamond of Rs.6,084 value is cut into 3 pieces whose weights are in the ratio 3 :...
A man sells a product at a price of ₹120. If he had sold it at ₹150, his profit would have been 50% more. What is the cost price of the product?