Forward – PR, AD, AE
Which of the following were the objections made by the Congress that led to the failure of the Cripps Mission?
1. Dominion status offer.
...Consider the following statements regarding the salt satyagraha
1. Salt was chosen for the protest because Gandhi considered the Salt tax as a...
Who assisted the British in capturing Jhansi by betraying Rani Lakshmibai?
Which act of the British Parliament led to the creation of the title 'Viceroy' in India?
Consider the following statements with reference to the establishment of the European rule in India:
1. Dupleix, governor of Pondicherry was be...
Who built the Tower of Victory (Vijay Stambha) in the Chittor Fort?
Consider the following statements regarding Balshastri Jambhekar:
1. He attacked Brahmanical orthodoxy and tried to reform Hinduism.
During which movement did Usha Mehta organize the underground Congress Radio?
With reference to the Civil Disobedience movement and the Swadeshi Movement, consider the following statements
1. Both the movements were a direc...
Which of the following is/are the achievements of the Congress ministries in the provinces before resignation?
1. Political prisoners were releas...