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JN, EJ and UY are three such pair(s) of letters are in the word “JOURNEY” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English alphabetical series.
5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 30 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between t...
Divide 45 into 4 parts such that if the first is increased by 2, the second is decrease by 2, the third is multiplied by 2 and the fourth divided by 2, ...
Set A contains five consecutive multiples of 4 and Set B contains 4 consecutive odd numbers. The sum of highest values of Set A and B is 53. Smallest va...
If three positive numbers are in the ratio 4:6:5 and the sum of their squares equals 1925, determine the smallest of these three ...
The sum of (p/q)+(q/r)+(r/s)+(s/t) = (239/60). The value of ‘q’ is one less than the value of ‘s’. The average of ‘p’ and ‘s’ is 4. The ...
How many terms are there in the geometric progression 4, 20, 100...... 62500?
Albela Sells Chocolates in the packs of 6 chocolates, 12 chocolates, 18 chocolates and 24 chocolates etc, but the rate is necessarily uniform. One day ...
There are two natural numbers such that the square of the smaller number exceeds five times the larger number by 4. Additionally, the sum of these two n...