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Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
Seven persons Aman, Vipin, Dev, Suman, Ram, Kamal and Himmat live in a build...
Which of the following statements is definitely true as per the given arrangement?
Six friends A, L, K, D, B and G are sitting on a bench facing towards north. 'A' is sitting second to the left of 'G' And 'G' is sitting fourth to the r...
If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order in the clockwise direction with respect to A, then how many persons remain unchanged in their posi...
Five boys P, Q, R, S, T are sitting in a circle facing inside. P is facing South-West, S is facing South-East, Q and T are right opposite P and S respec...
The number of persons seated to the left of B was twice that of the number of persons seated to the right of _______
Who among the following sits at extreme left end of the row?
Who among the following person sits second to the left of V?
Five people are standing in a line facing north R, L, P, J and C, not necessarily in this order. R is standing at one of the extreme ends. Two people ar...
Four of the following were in a certain group, which of the following that does not belong to that group?