How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘HIMALAYA’, which has as many letters between them in the words as in English alphabetical series (both forward and backward)?
Forward = HI, HL, IL Backward = AH
How many boxes are placed between box S and box R?
Who among the following lives at the topmost floor?
How many persons live below F (in the same type of flat)?
Six persons A, B, C, D, E, and F live in a six- floor building. The bottommost floor is numbered as 1 and the topmost floor is numbered as 6. B lives t...
Which of the following is true about E?
Which of the following box is kept just above the box V?
Which of the following group is false?
How many persons are living below the one who likes RED?
Who among the following lives three floors above C?
Who among the following person likes White?