DE, DE, MO, MR and OR are four such pairs, which have as many letters between them as in English alphabetical series.
The largest exporter of floricultural in the world is ……………………
A type of grafting in which shallow, downward and inward cut ensuring V-shape incision in lower portion of rootstock and matching cut on the scion is ma...
Botanical name of African marigold is -
Which of the following is the most-important constituent for jelly making?
Pusa Majestic is a variety of ________
Most commonly used Oxygen absorbers used in Modified Atmospheric Storage structure is:
Strawberry is commercially propagated by ___
The fruit of banana is botanically a/an
Which is an example of a false fruit, formed from parts other than the ovary wall?
In the C4 pathway, which of the following molecules combines with carbon dioxide?