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The figure may be labelled as shown. The squares composed of two components each are ABKJ, BCLK, CDEL, LEFG, KLGH and JKHI i.e.6 in number. There is only one square i.e. CEGK composed of four components. The squares composed of eight components each are ACGI and BDFH i.e. 2 in number. There are 6 + 1 + 2 = 9 squares in the figure.
Which international financial institution did NABARD collaborate with to set up a carbon fund to address climate risks?
Which district in Uttar Pradesh is famous for its black soil, suitable for cotton cultivation?
Which of the following groups of artisans and craftspeople are the primary beneficiaries of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme?
Which bank received a $500million loan from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for microloans to underserved women?
Who is the recipient of the ‘Karnataka Ratna Award’ for the year 2022?
What is the theme of World Hindi Day in 2024?
Recently in an announcement, India will be supplying how much % ethanol blended petrol at selected petrol pumps by April 2023?
Which of the following places was ruled by the Wadiyar dynasty?
India's Lovepreet Singh won a bronze in men's weight category in the Commonwealth Games 2022?
What is the capital of Norway?