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The figure may be labelled as shown. The squares composed of two components each are ABKJ, BCLK, CDEL, LEFG, KLGH and JKHI i.e.6 in number. There is only one square i.e. CEGK composed of four components. The squares composed of eight components each are ACGI and BDFH i.e. 2 in number. There are 6 + 1 + 2 = 9 squares in the figure.
Which one among the following is used as a pulse, fodder and green manure crop?
Which of the following selenium form is selenite?
(a) Se2–
(b) SeO–
(c) SeO23–
In which type of poultry housing system, the usual floor space is 14 × 16 inches and the height, 17 inches?
Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to
Number of stamens in green gram is:
Supply chain lead time is the sum of time taken for ..........................?
Post harvest treatment used in Cut flowers to prevent the spoilage by removing field heat is ___
Match List I with List II
Choose the correct answ...
…………… method helps in maintaining high genetic variability in a population due to repeated intermating of heterozygous plants/populations.
...Which of the following is a sedge?