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The figure may be labelled as shown. The squares composed of two components each are ABKJ, BCLK, CDEL, LEFG, KLGH and JKHI i.e.6 in number. There is only one square i.e. CEGK composed of four components. The squares composed of eight components each are ACGI and BDFH i.e. 2 in number. There are 6 + 1 + 2 = 9 squares in the figure.
If 'A' means ' X ', 'B' means '÷', 'C' means '+' and 'D' means ' - ', then what will come in the place of '?' in the given expression?
22 X 12 +...
If $ means +, # means - , @ means x and * means ÷, then what is the value of 22 $ 3 @ 10 # 21 * 7 =?
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace '*' sign and balance the equation given below.
12* 6 * 3 * 54 * 9 * 12
If A denote ÷, B denotes x, C denotes + and D denotes -, what is the value of the given expression?
32 B 40 A 8 C 10 D 12
If in a certain code language ‘+’ represents ‘×’, ‘–’ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ represents ‘–’....
In a certain code language, '+' represents '÷', ' - ' represents ' X ', '÷' represents '+' and ' X ' represents '-'. Find out the answer to the follow...
Which of the following interchange of numbers and mathematical signs would make the given equation correct?
72 ÷ 8 × 9 − 36 + 20 = 80
If we interchange 2 and 1, then what will be the resultant of the given equation?
21+ 18 ÷ 6 × 12 – 7 = ?
After interchanging the given two signs, what will be the value of the given equation? + and ÷
128 - 45 ÷ 72 + 9 X 11
If the following interchanges are made in signs, then what would be the value of the following expression?
16 ÷ 64 X 20 - 16 + 18