Since the player has shown disobedience, he should be penalised thus I follows. Any extreme action should be avoided while taking a course of action unless it is the only option left. Thus, II does not follow.
Which of the following phosphatic fertilizer is suitable for acidic soils?
Protection of the wildlife habitat can be done through in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ me...
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Among the following is a example of biennial weed ?
Cauliflorous bearing habit i.e fruits are borne on trunk and branches, is found in which horticultural crop?
Gully erosion is an advance stage of ?
Spray of atrazine in low concentration acts as _______ type of antitranspirant.
Which of the following is the breed of Goat :-
The minimum isolation distance for production of certified seed of composite Maize is -
Riverine soil contributes to the total land area of the country…………………………