The correct answer is A
What is the key difference between SQL and NoSQL databases in terms of data storage?
How is the optimal sample size determined in statistical analysis?
In a min-heap, what is the complexity of removing the smallest element and restoring the heap property?
In time series forecasting, which method combines the concepts of autoregression and moving averages with differencing to make non-stationary data stati...
Which sampling technique is best suited for dividing a population into distinct subgroups and ensuring each subgroup is proportionally represented?
Which sampling technique involves dividing the population into mutually exclusive subgroups and then randomly selecting samples from each subgroup?
Which of the following data collection methods is best suited for obtaining up-to-date information about consumer behavior on a website in real-time?
Which of the following best describes the seasonal component in time series data?
Which of the following protocols is widely used for low-power, short-range communication in IoT devices?
A company has a large dataset with a mix of numeric and categorical data. To ensure fair comparisons between variables, which data transformation techni...