From I, K is sitting to the left of G. From II, H is sitting to the left of G.
In a certain code, REGIONAL is written as ESIHNPLB. How will COHERENT be written in that code?
Which are the following is coded as ‘zip pik’?
If ‘WARMTH’ is coded as '62',’ MAJESTIC’ is coded as '32', then ‘HISTORICAL’ is coded as ____.
If ‘L’ is coded as ‘16’, ‘N’ is coded as ‘28’, then what will be the code for ‘SPRING’ in the same code language?
...In a language ‘red’ is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’ is called ‘white’ and ‘white’ is called ‘black...
In a certain code language, ‘TALKER’ is coded as ‘!@#©$%’ and ‘TALKED’ is coded as ‘$%@#!£’. What is the code for ‘D’ in that code...
In a certain code language, ‘SAPLING’ is written as ‘VXSILKJ’. How will ‘MANIFEST’ be written in the same language?
Which of the following may be the code for ‘life are what’?
If E = 10, PET = 82, then ‘FATE’ will be equal to?
What is the code for ‘dream never have’?