From statement I: ‘all said good morning’ is coded as ‘md vg db op’, ‘all nights are good’ is coded as ‘ghdb op wt’ So, from I we do not get the exact code of any word such as, said/morning can be coded as vg/md and all/good can be coded as op/db. From statement II: ‘we said good morning’ is coded as ‘md fgdb vg’ No proper information is given. From both I and II: By merging both the statement I and II we get the code of only one word i.e. Good – db.
Who among the following lives in Flat-B of Floor-2?
Who among the following lives on the fifth floor?
Which of the following play Kho kho?
What is car of the person who went toBali?
Which of the following boxes is placed immediately above and immediately below K?
The person who likes Grapes goes to which country?
If Q is related to Green and N is related to Blue. Following the similar pattern, P is related to?
Which of the following groups live on the odd numbered floors?
Who lives immediately above the floor on which Usha lives?
Which among the following combination is correct?