From I: Sarita devotes maximum time watching Cricket. It is clear from this statement that Sarita devotes maximum time watching Cricket but this does not mean that her favorite sport is Cricket. From II: Sarita does not like Football but her brother Karan likes Hockey. No proper information is given. From III: Sarita played Badminton in her school and won a Gold medal. It is clear from this statement that she played Badminton in her and won a Gold medal but this does not mean that Badminton is her favorite sport. Hence, favorite sports of Sarita cannot be determined as information provided by these statements is insufficient to give the answer.
Crop canopy temperature is measured using
The Little leaf disease of brinjal (Solanum melongena) is caused by which of the following pathogens? This disease results in the appearance of smaller,...
Cultivated bread wheat or common wheat is ____
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
In which of the following processes CO2 is not released?
Cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously on the same land without definite row pattern or fixed ratio is called _____.
Which crop is commonly referred to as the "Camel Crop" due to its remarkable ability to endure prolonged drought conditions?
The trap crop for striga is
Which crop has the highest absolute increase in MSP for the year 2025-26?
Crops cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when main crop has failed are called ___