Continue with your mobile number
Wife of E sits second to the left of E. Mother of E sits on the immediate right of wife of E. Both E and wife of E faces same direction. Only two persons sit between mother of E and M. Persons sitting at the ends face opposite direction. So, from this case 1 and case 4 gets eliminated. G and wife of A are immediate neighbours of each other. G is the niece of E. D is married to J. A is the son-in-law of D. A and J are not immediate neighbours. J and M faces same direction. A and G face same direction. Immediate neighbours of E face opposite direction.
Some A are B.
No B is C.
I. Some A are C.
Statements: All pearls are diamonds.
All diamonds are gold
All gold are silvers.
Conclusions: I. All pearls are silvers.
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from co...
Only a few Kite are Stick.
No Stick is Paper.
All Paper are Colour.
I. All Kite are Colour.<...
I. All Machines being Tools is a possibility.
II. No screw is a Forks.
III. A few Scissors may be Machines.
Only a few passage is comprehension
A few comprehension is language
All language is story
Conclusions: ...
All shoes are shirts
Only a few shirts are watches
Some watches are not mobile
Only a few mobile are copy
Only a few Outlet are Showroom.
Few Showroom are Shop.
All Shop are Mart.
I. All Mart are Out...
Only a few Adidas are Nike
All Nike are Puma
No Nike is a Reebok
I. All Puma being ...
Statement : All sparrows are peacocks.
No eagle is a sparrow.
No cow is peacock.
Conclusion : I. No sparrow is a cow.