
    The question given below consists of two statements I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read all the statements and give answer.

    Six boxes, L, M, N, O, P and Q are one above the other,

    such that the box which is at the bottom is numbered as 1, the box above it as 2 and so on. How many boxes are below Q? Statement I: There are three boxes between L and N. M is two boxes below L. O is above P. O is not the topmost box. Q is neither the topmost box nor the bottommost box. Statement II: P is two boxes below O. There are two boxes between L and O. L is above P. N is two boxes below M.
    A Data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question and data in statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question and data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Data in statement I and statement II together is necessary to answer the question Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Data in both statement I alone and statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Data neither in statement I alone nor in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    From statement I, there are three boxes between L and N. M is two boxes below L. O is above P. O is not the topmost box. Q is neither the topmost box nor the bottommost box. So, either two or four boxes are below Q. From statement II, P is two boxes below O. There are two boxes between L and O. L is above P. N is two boxes below M. Four boxes are below Q. So, data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question and data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. 

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