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Statement: I. B is 15 years younger than A. This statement alone is not sufficient to determine B's age because it provides a relationship between the ages of A and B, but we need the actual age of A or B to find B's age. II. C is 40 years old. This statement alone is not sufficient either because knowing C's age does not provide any information about B's age or the relationship between A and B. Now, let's combine the statements: If we know that C is 40 years old (Statement II) and we also know the relationship between the ages of A and B (Statement I), we can find B's age. However, if we only know Statement I or Statement II alone, it is not sufficient to determine B's age. Therefore, the answer is both statements together (I and II) are required to answer the question.
Who sits third to the left of Ketan?
How many person sit between one who likes grapes and one who lives in Kerala?
Who among the following sits second to the right of Y?
Which of the following combinations is incorrect?
Six people- T, U, V, W, X and Y are sit along a linear row and face in the north direction. U sits third to the left of W. Neither U nor W sits along th...
Five person A, B, C, D and E are sitting around a circular table (not necessarily in the same order). B sits immediate left of A. C is on the left side ...
Who sits third to the left of T?
How many coins does W have?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are false?
I. Only one person sits between P and the one who likes Blueberry when counted left of P.
<...Who is sitting exactly in the middle of M and R, from the clockwise direction of R?