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From statement I alone, as M scored more than P and R, who scored the lowest mark. Only N and O scored more than M, so N/O > O/N > M > P/Q > Q/P > R From statement II alone, as N scored more than Q, who scored the second lowest mark. O scored more than M and P. Neither M nor P scored the lowest mark. N doesn’t score the highest mark, so O > N > P/M > M/P > Q > R Or O > P/M > N > M/P > Q > R Or O > M/P > P/M > N > Q > R On combining statement I and II, O > N > M > P > Q > R Data given in both statement I and statement II are sufficient to answer the question.
A civil suit from its onset till the end faces countless applications by one party or the other.
Grievance के लिए सही हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है-
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Vigilance का हिंदी पर्याय नही है ।
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मितव्ययिता उपाय