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From statement I alone, Height of B is more than A. The number of persons taller than B is same as the number of persons shorter than A. E is taller than G but shorter than B. D is taller than F, who is shorter than B. D is taller than B. C is just shorter than F. E is not the fifth shortest person.
We get:
D(tallest) > B > F > C > E > A > G(shortest)
So, from statement I alone, we get D and B are taller than F.
So, data given in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
From statement II alone, At most three persons are taller than C. C is shorter than D and B. E is just taller than A. F taller than A but shorter than B. F is neither the fourth shortest nor third shortest person. F is shorter than D. M is not the shortest. We get:
D/B(tallest) > B/D > F > C > E > A > G(shortest)
So, from statement II alone, we get D and B are taller than F.
So, data given in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Therefore, data given either in statement I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
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