
    M%N (32) means M is 40m to the north of N M&N (24) means M is 16m to the south of N M$N (30) means M is 20m to the west of N M=N (24) means M is 30m to the east of N Considering the above codes, solve the following equations O$P (22) , Q=W (2) , W&P (13) , X%O (8) , Y = Z (6) , Q&Z(13)

    What is the shortest distance between X and

    A 12m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 20m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 22m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 15m Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    O is 12m to the west of P. Q is 8m to the east of W. W is 5m to the south of P. X is 16m to the north of O. Y is 12m to the east of Z. Q is 5m to the south of Z. On the basis of above interpretation, following mage can be drawn.

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