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Which of the following is mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?
Which company announced plans to invest Rs 100 crore in GIFT City in Gujarat to develop a global financial ecosystem and to offer AI-driven cross-border...
Which of the following are the major objectives of setting up of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)?
1. To foster innovat...
The binary equivalent of the octal number 473 is
Which Museum's former director was charged with money-laundering in an art trafficking case?
Which of the following bank was merged with Bank of Baroda from April 1, 2019?
Which of the following bodies had introduced the first official residential housing price index called RESIDEX?
According to the Policy (NITI) Commission, how long has the Indian government made a plan to double the income of the farmers?
B20 represents the Business community of G20 countries. Who has been appointed as the chairman of B20 in India's G20 Presidency?
Who has been sworn in as the first female US Vice President?