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We can see that first seven letters are same. In option (i) and (ii), eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh letters are same so we will see next letter in bothContemplative and in Contemplation i.e. V and O respectively. Now we will see option (iii) and (iv), eighth letter in Contemporaneous and in Contemptuous i.e. O and T respectively Contemplation → Contemplative → Contemporaneous → Contemptuous
The instrument used for measuring depth of water table is known as:
Optimum temperature for tea cultivation is:
The total age of rice seedling for transplanting in main field through double transplanting method
According to soil taxonomy medium black soils are grouped in _______ order.
The National Food Security Act, 2013 makes Right to Food a legal entitlement. It implements which of the following Directive Principle of state policy.
At what PF wilting percentage arrives
Which of the following microbes involve in the nitrification process?
Which of the following exchangeable sodium percentage is characteristic of alkaline soils?
Parbhani Kranti is a variety of:
A type of cropping in which the two crops, morphologically different grown on same field are grown together and they complement each other __