According to the sequence in the dictionary, the correct order of the given words is: 1. Nation 3. Native 2. Natural 5. Nature 4. Nausea Thus, the correct order is 1,3, 2, 5, 4. Hence, the correct answer is (A).
Which of the following is the correct sequence of reagents given below used in the Gram staining process?
(A) lodine
(B) Crystal violet
The Central AGMARK Lab is located at
Disorders like Hollow Stem of Cauliflower; Browning of Cauliflower ; Top sickness of Tobacco is caused due to the deficiency of
The soil with more than 20 kg/ha Phosphorus are rated as
According to CRIDA, the depth of deep tillage is ____
The following operations are practiced in the cultivation of tobacco
1. Priming
2. Topping
3. Desuckering
The correct sequen...
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
The botanical name of pop corn
Number of stamens in green gram is:
Match List-I with List-II
Choose the correct answer fr...