Arrange the words alphabetically: Absent comes first (3). Anchor comes next (2). Angle follows (6). Answer comes after (4). Apple comes next (1). April comes last (5). Correct Order: 3, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5.
In chief- examination, leading question________.
It was held by the Court in the case of ________ “it is not for litigant to dictate to the Court as to how the proceedings should be conducted, it is ...
Which case is known as Post-Master Case?
What does resolution plan mean?
Any offence committed under SEBI Act which is triable by a Special Court shall, until a Special Court is established, be taken cognizance of and tried by
Which of the following is not the very objective of the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002?
Goods includes__________.
The depository as a registered owner shall
The State Government appoints public prosecutor after consultation with_______
Quia Timet means________________