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The correct answer is B
The average wage of a group of 44 labourers is Rs. 250. If 4 persons receiving average wage of Rs. 275 leave the group and 2 persons receiving average w...
The average weight of 14 persons increases by 3.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 48 kg. The weight of the new person is.
In an examination the average marks of Rohit is 54. If he got 18 more marks in science and 22 more marks in maths then his average would have been 58. F...
The average age of the husband, wife, and their child 3 years ago was 24 years and that of the Wife and the child 4 years ago was 19 years. The present ...
In a classroom, there are 24 male students and 16 female students. The male students have an average age of 16 years, while the female students average ...
There are three numbers 'a', 'b' and 'c' such that average of 'a' and 'b' is 14, average of 'b' and 'c' is 16 and average of 'a' and 'c' is 30. Find the...
The average age of 4 children in a family is 30% of the average age of the mother and the youngest child. The total age of the father and the eldest chi...
Out of three numbers the average of the first and the second number is 37 more than the average of the second and the third number. What is the differen...
The average score of five students is 24. When the scores of two additional students are included, the average drops by 2. What is the combined total o...
The average of five even numbers is 64. If we replace two of these even numbers, 84 and 92, with a single even number X, the new average decreases by 4....