The correct answer is Option 3.
Select the synonym of the given word.
Select the correctly spelt word.
In the following question, a word has been used in sentences in THREE different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentences in which the usa...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s th...
In the question below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold. From the options, choose the number of highlighted in bold which are co...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s the...
Select the correctly spelt word.
In the given question, a word has been given and there are three ways in which the word has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to see w...
I. Politicians proposed popular sovereignty as a means of entrusting the issue to citizens of new territories.
II. I found an old is...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s the ...