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Input : 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11 Step I : 11 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 Step II : 11 28 33 35 92 73 46 84 Step III : 11 28 33 35 46 92 73 84 Step IV : 11 28 33 35 46 73 92 84 Step V : 11 28 33 35 46 73 84 92 How numbers are arranged in the final step: Numbers are arranged in ascending order in the final step. What machine is doing in each step: In each step one number is getting arranged from the left side in ascending order.
Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms. It was first discovered by _______.
Rock phosphate used in which soil?
If manure is having C:N ratio of 15:1 is added to the soil then___
Which test is used to test the significance OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO MEANS?
In the context of soil plasticity, which of the following statements is true?
Adopter category is based on
The relationship between two organisms, where both of them benefit from each other is called:
ISTA office in located at
A group of commercial crops of perennial nature, cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical situations which need employment of labour through o...
Which of the following crop is a source methane and nitrous oxide emission into the atmosphere?