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Input : 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11 Step I : 11 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 Step II : 11 28 33 35 92 73 46 84 Step III : 11 28 33 35 46 92 73 84 Step IV : 11 28 33 35 46 73 92 84 Step V : 11 28 33 35 46 73 84 92 How numbers are arranged in the final step: Numbers are arranged in ascending order in the final step. What machine is doing in each step: In each step one number is getting arranged from the left side in ascending order.
Which heritage railway line in India is not recognized by UNESCO?
The Golden Quadrilateral links major metropolitan cities of India.
As on 31 March 2011, the total route length of the broad gauge of the Indian Railways was:
What is the operational speed target for the Golden Quadrilateral trains?
For the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, protective measures are enshrined in the Railway Act of 1989, which replaced the:
The first passenger train that ran between Boribunder and Thane, covered a distance of:
When was it decided to replace existing rail networks by zones?
What type of bridges are commonly used in mountain railways?
During 2015 - 16, Indian Railways completed the electrification of _____ km.
Which bridge is the world's highest railway bridge?