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We can see above in the solution table that the input is getting repeated in the 6th step. That means input will be repeated again in the 12th step. Therefore, Step XIII = Step I and Step VII = Step I. So, both steps (Step XIII and Step VII) would be the same.
If 'A + B' means 'A is wife of B', 'A - B' means 'B is brother of A', 'A X B' means 'B is sister of A', 'A ÷ B' means 'A is father of B'. In the given ...
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
L is the brother of Z. Z is mother of Q. B is sister of Q, who is the son of F...
Who is mother-in-law of I?
If 'L@M' means L is spouse of M. L#M means L is sister of M. L$M means L is brother of M. L%M means L is son of M. If 'P % Q @ R $ S # T % U' is true, t...
How is L related to J?
R's brother T, is the grandfather of V's son. How is T related to V if V has no siblings?
How is S related to E?
How is C related to H?
If brother of L is the husband of H’s son’s sister, then which of the following expression is true?
M is the brother of N. N is the brother of O. P is the father of M. Based on these three statements, which of the following statements cannot be definit...