What is the products of numbers, which are second from left end and third from the right end in step VI?
Words starring with vowel in given input are arranged in ascending order with a prime number arranged in ascending order. Consonants are arranged in descending order with a composite numbers arranged in descending order. Input: 2 6 couple boss 28 13 identical envelop 12 29 unique happy Step I: envelop 2 6 couple boss 28 13 identical 12 29 unique happy Step II: envelop 2 6 couple boss 13 identical 12 29 unique happy 28 Step III: envelop 2 identical 13 6 couple boss12 29 unique happy 28 Step IV: envelop 2 identical 13 6 boss 29 unique couple 12 happy 28 Step V: envelop 2 identical 13 unique 29 6 boss couple 12 happy 28 Step VI: envelop 2 identical 13 unique 29 boss 6 couple 12 happy 28 Required answer = 2 × 12 = 24.
Which of the following statements correctly describes the ACID property "Durability" in database transactions?
Fill in the correct option for 26 blank space.
State true or false
This scheduling algorithm is not ideal for time sharing systems.
Predict the output
list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]
list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
print "list1[0]: ", list1[0] ...
What is a primary advantage of using virtual machines in a computing environment?
What are the 3v’s of Big Data?
What is the primary goal of the Matrix Chain Multiplication problem in dynamic programming?
State true or false
A ping of death attack involves sending a malformed packet to a targeted machine, resulting in deleterious behavior such...
Which is best fit for blank space 17?
Which of the following best represents the concept of polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming?