
    Answer the following questions based on the arrangement given below. 32 FPKL 43 VFGY 92 XDFB 45 VZDR 66 KLDR

    The letters which are attached with the numbers in which

    at least one is odd digit are arranged according to the descending orders of their numbers from right to left and also all the letters within those words together are arranged in the alphabetical order, then which of the following is the sixth letter from the right end?
    A F Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C K Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D V Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E R Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    66 KLDR 32 FKLV 43 FGVY 45 DRVZ 92 BDFX Sixth letter from the right end = V

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