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180 ÷ 9 × 2 – 28 + 45 20 × 2 – 28 + 45 40 – 28 + 45 = 57
Plant available potassium refers to:
To meet the new challenges in agriculture through NARS strong and supportive ______________ policies are very imperative.
Micro irrigation _______ has emerged as a tool for effective management of resources which save water.
Match List I with List II for control of citrus pest through parasite/predators
List I List II
A. Wh...
The sum of lignin and polysaccharides that are not digested by endogenous secretion of digestive tract ………………….
...Diffused radiation contains____ percent of photosynthetically active radiation.
Jackfruit is propagated through
Annual water requirement of banana
Trichogramma chilonis can be used to control the:
Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of microbes in food using electricity?