P A R K I N G 2 4 6 7 5 1 3
Who made the first chocolate bar?
Which of the following countries does NOT have direct access to any sea?
Name the captain of the Indian Men's Hockey Team as of 30th July 2020.
Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using code given below -
(1) Bhorat plateau is located between Kumbhalgarh and Ra...
In which Indian state, specifically at the historic excavation site, have archaeologists unearthed a crystal quartz used as a weighing unit dating back ...
The ATMs which owned and operated by non-banks are known as ________.
The foul smell from a body specially during a sultry summer is due to the action of ______ on sweat.
Rajinder Goel is related to which sport?
At normal temperature and atmospheric pressure, ______ has a density of 1.87 kg/mᶟ, which is 1.5 times heavier than air and exists as a liquid below t...
The famous coal mining region ‘Korba’ is located in which state of India?