Word formed - HALT L is third from the left.
Five persons R, S, T, U, and V live on different floors of a five-storey building such that the bottommost floor is numbered 1 and the floor immediately...
How many persons are sitting in the row (assuming all are facing north)?
Statement I: Sanjiv sits 5th from the right end of the row. Rinku sits...
What is the favorite sport of Sarita?
Statement I: Sarita devotes maximum time watching Cricket.
Statement II: Sarita does not like Foot...
The question below consists of two statements 1 and 2. Decide whether the facts provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
What is the code for ‘ mankind ’ in the code language?
Statements :
I. In the code language ‘forever mankind daily’ is written ...
How is I related to M?
I. K who has only two kids I and M, is the mother-in-law of J who is sister-in-law of M.
II. H the sister-in-law...
Seven persons A, B, Y, Z, M, N and G sit around a circular table facing towards the centre. Who sits immediate right of N?
Statement I: G sits ...
Six boxes P, Q, W, Y, Z and F are kept one above one another such that bottommost box is numbered as 1 while the topmost box is numbered as 6. Which bo...
Among M, N, O, P and Q sitting around a circular table facing the centre, who sits second to the right of O?
I. O sits to the immediate right o...
Five students, Ajay, rani, Seema, Roy and Priya went to foreign on five different months of the year, starting from January and ending on May. Is Ajay t...