2nd, 5th, 6th and 9th letter of the word – R, O, T, N Word formed is TORN. Last letter from the right end is N.
Which cost concept includes the value of human labor, seeds, fertilizers, and interest on working capital used in farm management?
Time (in min) required to kill a known population of micro organism under certain conditions at given lethal time is ___
Water level recording is done by
Stem gall of coriander is caused by
The application of organic manures in the soil helps in/tends to:
The perfect stage is not seen in:
As per latest data of 2019-20, the cropping intensity of India is ____
Golden rice is related to enhanced:
Sellers that handle their own exports are engaged in:
What is the area sprayed by a full tank of a sprayer, if the volume of the sprayer tank is 225 litres and rate of spray application per ha is 150 litres?