
     In the word ‘GRAPEVINE’, first all the vowels are

    arranged followed by consonants alphabetically, then if any word is possible to make with the first, third, fifth and seventh letter of the new arrangement then mark your answer as N, if no such word is formed then mark it C and if more than one word is possible then mark it as Z and if more than two words are formed mark it as Y ?
    A C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B N Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Y Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Z Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The word - 

    G R A P E V I N E

    A E E I G  N P R V 

    1st - A

    3rd - E

    5th - G

    7th - P  

    'PAGE' is a possible word. 

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