The correct answer is 120 . Logic: (Column wise) (3)2 = 9 – 1 = 8 (5)2 = 25 + 1 = 26 (7)2 = 49 – 1 = 48 (9)2 = 81 + 1 = 82 (11)2 = 121 – 1 = 120 (13)2 = 169 + 1 = 170
In greengram, nitrogen fixation starts at the age of
The optimum temperature for growth and head of cabbage is ________
Which parasite attaches mainly to the gills of sea bass and causes hyperplasia and necrosis?
Central Potato Research Institute is situated in_____
The process of judicious removal of parts like leaves, flowers, and fruits to obtain good and qualitative yield is called:
At what PF wilting percentage arrives
Which statement about NPOP is not correct?
Which fruit among the options is affected by the physiological disorder known as Cock's comb?
An extreme modification in the order Diptera, where hind wings are reduced to nubs used for balance and direction during flight is
Which of the following is not matched correctly in context with the growth stages in wheat crop?