
    Find the missing term in the following series. AD25, CE64, EF121, GG196, ______

    A IJ441 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B II324 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C IH256 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D IH289 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    For first letter of consecutive terms first letter of previous term +2 For second letter of consecutive terms Second letter of previous term +1 For Number part 52, 82, 112, 142….. Number part of consecutive terms ( Square root of previous numerical part +3) And then square of the new number obtained. Hence, to find the missing- First letter G +2 = 9 (I) Second letter G +1 = 8 (H) Numerical part-    ʃ196 =14   14 +3 =17 and 172 = 289 Comb- IH289

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