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1055 - 6 = 1049 1049 - 5 = 1044 1044 - 4 = 1040 1040 - 3 = 1037 1037 - 2 = 1035
V2X technology, which was seen in the news, is related to:
Gujarat alang is famous for ……………………….
Article ______ of the Constitution of India deals with 'Proclamation of Emergency'.
Consider the following statement regarding project tiger and identify the correct statement .
i. Project Tiger completed 30 ...
With which classical dance is Mrinalini Sarabhai related?
Ferns, horsetails and lycophytes belong to which of the following groups?
___________ would help India to convert 150 villages around the Centres of Excellence into villages of Excellence.
What is Grundfos AQpure?
1. An inbuilt packaged black (sewage) and grey water (kitchen and bath water) treatment system having advanced anaerobic...
In which country is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded?
Chemical formula of quick lime is ______.