45 + 35 = 80 80 + 42 = 122 122 + 49 = 171 171 + 56 = 227
The Home Minister in India is the NITI Aayog’s?
How many private FM radio channels will be established in 234 cities as per the recent Union Cabinet approval?
Barren Island, known for its active volcano, is located in which sea?
In which city in Maharashtra is the Aga Khan Palace located?
"Pancha Siddhantika," authored by Varahamihira, pertains to which discipline?
Recently, Union Minister of Earth Sciences Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated India’s fastest and first multi-petaflops supercomputer in Pune. Its name is:...
Which of the following states is the largest rice producing state of India?
‘ Janko ’ is a unique cultural custom followed in ________ as a celebration of life.
Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is published by:
What is the percentage increase in forest cover in India from 2019 to 2021, as reported by the Forest Survey of India 2021?