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(541, 14, 737) = 737 – 541 = 196 → √196 = 14 (635, 18, 924) = 924 – 635 = 289 → √289 = 17 (697, 13, 866) = 866 – 697 = 169 → √169 = 13 (832, 8, 895) = 895 – 832= 196 → √63 (432, 25, 1108) = 1108 – 432 = 676 → √676 = 26
In the context of economy, sterilization by RBI refers to:
What is the difference between Nominal GDP and Real GDP?
The Reserve Bank of India is the authority to control inflation through monetary policies. Which of the following tools will the RBI take to curb inflat...
How long is the maternity leave for those adopting a child below the age of three months or surrogate mothers?
When did the Central Plan Scheme for the rehabilitation of bonded labourers start?
John Robinson has given the concept of
According to the Trade Union 1926, What is the minimum number of members in a trade union (1000 workers employed in the establishment) in India?
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Monetary policy has an indirect effe...
Which one of the following is a natural substitute for common sugar?
The ratio of total additional planned savings in an economy to the total additional income of the economy is known as: