Except QUX, all other letters follow +4 pattern.
In which step are the elements “today 91 done 20“ found in the same order?
Input: two apparently met common friends planned in.
How many steps will be required to complete arrangement?
In step I, which of the following word would be at 7th position from the left?
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
Which ...
Which element is third to the left of second element from the right end in step IV?
Which of the following steps will be the last but one of the above input?
If the entry code for Batch C on 6th May, 2017 was “this morning noticed that one of the plants on”, then what was the entry code for ...
If step IV of a given input be ‘To ensure fair selection process in the government’, what is the seventh step of the input?
If step IV of an input is ‘the knee joint of animal to see remains’, what is the step III of that input?
What will be the 14th step for the following input?
Input: the rule changes will come into effect for